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Prayers on food and hunger

Share these prayers on the theme of food and hunger with your family, parish or community, or use them to enrich your personal prayer life.

Find prayers for our sisters and brothers who are struggling to get enough food, as well as graces to use before meals from around the world. 

Latest food prayers

May we reach out in love

May we reach out in love

A prayer for the millions of families, especially those in East Africa, who are facing a food crisis that could be worse than any we've lived through.

Luminous mysteries: hunger

Luminous mysteries: hunger

We offer these luminous mysteries, uplifted by our faith in Jesus, Light of the World, and nourish our commitment to tackle the causes of hunger in our world.

The gift of food

The gift of food

Use CAFOD's family prayer ideas on the theme of food. Pray and reflect in solidarity with our global family.

Grace before meals

Taste and see

Taste and see

A grace to be said before meals, based on Psalm 34:8

Let us share our feast

Let us share our feast

In this prayer, we ask God to bless the food that we eat and pray that we might be moved to share what we have with others. 

Abundance for all

Abundance for all

A prayer thanking God for his generous gifts and asking for strength to work so they are shared by all.

Graces from around the world

Graces from around the world

A selection of graces from around the world - Kenya, Sierra Leone and El Salvador. Use these prayers when you sit down to eat at home or in your community.

More prayers on food

At your table, Lord

At your table, Lord

We pray that we may respond to God's invitation to us, by sharing what we have received and adjusting our own wants so that no one is turned away.

Journey with us

Journey with us

Pray that God may journey with us as we work together to build a future of plenty for all.

Break the bread, Lord

Break the bread, Lord

A prayer which meditates on the worldwide family and asks for God's blessing that all may have enough to eat.

Enough for everyone

Enough for everyone

A prayer that celebrates the bountiful gifts of creation, but questions why there is poverty when there is enough for everyone.

The burden of hunger

The burden of hunger

A prayer by Fr Ignatius Ikunza, late director of the Hakimani Jesuit Centre in Kenya.

The Last Day

The Last Day

We pray that we may not hoard the gifts we have been given nor waste the fruits of the earth.

Take action

Fast Day in your Parish

Fast Day in your Parish

Find everything you need to hold a Fast Day collection in your parish including all of our Fast Day resources .