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Lord Jesus,
You understand what it is like to be hungry.
Teach us to have grateful and generous hearts.
Forgive us when we make selfish choices
or remain silent in the face of injustice.

Lord Jesus,
You welcomed all to your table.
May we recognise our interconnectedness,
with our common home and our global neighbours,
so all are invited to share the feast.

Lord Jesus,
You come to us as bread and wine.
Fill us with your compassion.
Nourish us as we advocate for change,
and seek to make your Kingdom a reality in our world.

More prayers on poverty and hunger

At your table, Lord

As we break bread together

A place at the table

Rosary for an end to hunger

Fix the food system

Fix the food system

Catholics across England and Wales have sent messages urging the government to rethink our global food system.