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God you so loved the world
that you sent your Word
to speak the New Creation
of hope, light, peace and joy.

From first to last,
your Word not only spoke
but lived - embodied -
this New Creation.

From first to last,
your Word knew your promise of mercy;
a promise that would bring
discomfort to the arrogant
and humility to the powerful,
but that would lift up the poor,
bring the starving to the banquet,
and show favour to the ignored and exploited.

From first to last,
your Word,
in his every pronouncement and action,
showed that you had remembered
your covenant of protection and love.

God you so love the world
that you send us, now, to speak your word;
to speak boldly of your vision;
to be your mouthpieces,
your eyewitnesses,
your prophets. 

As lowly servants
may you do great things for us,
that we might give birth to your holy Word by our lives.

Ged Johnson/CAFOD

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Advent calendars

Reflect on Scripture and pray with us daily in preparation for Christmas.