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How many there are that would do better not to call themselves Christians, because they have no faith. They have more faith in their money and possessions than in the God who fashioned their possessions and their money.

Blessed Oscar Romero, Pentecost, 1979

God the Holy Spirit

Remove from us all desire for more money and possessions and cease our

relentless quest for comforts that we do not need.

Make us aware of how much we already have and help us to share our wealth

and time in partnership with all of humanity.

Ignite in us the fire of your love so that, filled with your Spirit, our faith is

awakened by renewed commitment and deed.


Tony Singleton/CAFOD

More prayers for or by Oscar Romero

A guiding light prayer

A reflection on the kingdom

A prayer for the intercession of Blessed Oscar Romero

A reflection for today, using the words of Blessed Oscar Romero 

Romero Cross

Romero Cross

Buy a small hand painted Romero cross - a perfect stocking filler!