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Water and the environment

Your Spirit hovered over the waters
at the dawn of all creation.
May the Spirit now inspire us to change;
to respect and protect your world.

God of life, let waters flow
and wash away injustice.

Your people face new challenges
as the climate changes around them.
May they find the strength to adapt;
to seek water and new ways of living.

God of life, let waters flow
and wash away injustice.

We long for life-giving water for all
and pledge to wash away injustice.
May we recall the covenant with you
so all your people may flourish.

God of life, let waters flow
and wash away injustice.

Water and hope

Your people yearn for clean water
and lush green crops.
May their thirst be quenched
and their joy refreshed.

God of life, let waters flow
and wash away injustice.

Your people thirst for water
and long for change in our world.
May they have their fill to drink
and time for all their daily tasks.

God of life, let waters flow
and wash away injustice.

We long for your life-giving water
and pledge to wash away injustice.
May your people be filled with hope
and have the chance to flourish.

God of life, let waters flow
and wash away injustice.

Water and solidarity

Your people yearn for clean water
and the possibilities it brings.
May their fears be wiped away
and their hope restored.

God of life, let waters flow
and wash away injustice.

Your people thirst for clean water
and dream of a better future.
May we be moved to join with them,
to make this dream a reality.

God of life, let waters flow
and wash away injustice.

We long for life-giving water for all
and pledge to wash away injustice.
May we stand in solidarity with others
so all your people may flourish.

God of life, let waters flow
and wash away injustice.

Prayers: Catherine Gorman/CAFOD

More prayers on the theme of water

Water family prayer ideas

Water family prayer ideas

With these family prayer ideas for children of all ages, we thank God for the gift of water, reflect on water in the Bible and pray for those who long for clean water.

Prayers for water

Prayers for water

Water is essential for life. Pray with us that all people may have access to the water that they need to flourish.