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St Francis of Assisi,
your whole life sang in harmony
with God, nature and others.

With you, we praise God for Brother Sun,
full of beauty and splendour,
warming the earth,
summoning shoots
from darkness into daylight.

We praise God for Sister Water,
so useful and humble,
precious and pure,
greening arid ground,
growing life in desert places.

Pray for us Francis, that, like you,
we may care for all that exists,
until Brother Sun and Sister Water
produce a harvest shared by all,
in love and solidarity,
justice and peace.


Kathleen O'Brien/CAFOD

Harvest prayers

Harvest prayers

These prayers can be used during Harvest time, particularly around Family Fast Day

Harvest Appeal

Harvest Appeal

You can help inspirational local experts reach people like Meera in times of crisis.