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Child in Easter bonnet

Decorate an Easter Bonnet for CAFOD!

Alleluia! Christ is risen! We have journeyed through the season of Lent together and now we celebrate the joy of the resurrection.

We hope our Easter family prayer ideas fill you with hope and happiness as you draw close to the risen Jesus.

Signs of life

Go for a walk together and see how many signs of new life you can see. Give thanks to God! You may also want to pray for the places and people you pass on your way.

Easter cross

Take the cross you created during Lent (or make a large paper or cardboard cross) and cover it in flowers to remind you of the new life that Jesus brings. You may want to use tissue paper or decorate and cut out the flowers on this template sheet.

Once you have decorated the cross, you may wish to pray together:

Risen Jesus,
We rejoice that you are alive and with us.
Make us messengers of Easter joy and hope
for all the world.

Easter colouring

As you colour our illustration of Jesus' friends finding the empty tomb and think about these questions together.

  • What was the first Easter morning like? How do you think Jesus' friends felt when they found that his tomb was empty?

  • How has your journey over Lent helped you follow Jesus more closely?

  • How can we share Easter joy and hope with others?

Further resources

Easter prayers

Easter prayers

Use our Easter prayers and give thanks and praise to Christ who is risen.

Family activities and ideas

Family activities and ideas

We have loads of great ideas for busy parents and families, including fundraising ideas and home learning resources.