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Bolivia - Alex drawing

Alex in Bolivia drawing a picture

We are made in the image and likeness of the Creator and so we are called to be creative. 

Use these ideas to explore some different ways of expressing your imagination and creativity with your family, and reflect on how these gifts draw us closer to God. 

Building the kingdom

This prayer uses building blocks such as Lego® or an equivalent.

Each family member takes one brick. What can you make with your piece? It has the potential to be a house, a car, or a rocket, but to fulfil that potential it needs other pieces. In the same way, each of us has unique gifts and if we bring them together we can build something amazing. Say which gifts you recognise in each other.

For the Kingdom of God is... living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Romans 14:17

Spend some time as a family discussing Saint Paul's words to the Romans. How can we live a life of goodness, peace and joy and so build up God's kingdom? How can we reach out to our brothers and sisters throughout the world in love?

Use some building blocks to build something inspired by this, and as you do, pray God will help you to build his kingdom. You might like to display your creation for some time as a reminder of the prayer.

Praying with play dough

For this activity, each family member needs a piece of play dough or plasticine. To make your own, this recipe should make four balls:


  • 250g plain flour

  • 50g salt

  • 130ml water

  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil

  • 2 drops liquid food colouring (optional)


Combine the plain flour and salt. Mix in the water, food colouring and oil and knead well. 

If the consistency is too wet, add a little more flour.

Prayer prompts

When each family member has a piece of play dough, the invitation is to shape it in different ways in reponse to the following prayer prompts:

A ball - Thank God for the gift of creation and ask him to help your family and all people to care for the earth.

Divided into two or more pieces - Think of all the places where people are divided by war or disagreement. As you bring the pieces back together pray that God will bring peace and healing. You may wish to reshape the pieces into a dove or another symbol of peace.

A rainbow - Many people put rainbows in their windows as a sign of hope during the pandemic. Offer your hopes to God and pray for a fairer world for all people.

Stretched out as far as it can go - Pray God will help you to reach out to those in need.

A heart - Pray for the people you love and the people who love you.

Your own shape - Finish by shaping the dough into something to express your own prayer. 

Family activities and ideas

Family activities and ideas

We have loads of great ideas for busy parents and families, including fundraising ideas and home learning resources.

Children's liturgy

Children's liturgy

Help children to explore and reflect on the Sunday gospel with our resources.

Pray with us

Pray with us

Use our range of prayers to pray for all our sisters and brothers throughout the world