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Glorious mysteries of the rosary for a world renewed

Resurrection - empty tomb

We know that we live a wounded world; surrounded by poverty, violence, and environmental destruction. In the glorious mysteries we find a profound assurance that God is and will be victorious over all forms of injustice, suffering and death.

Guided by Mary, mother of Jesus and mother of all, may we be open to let these mysteries penetrate deep within us and respond with fresh hope and strength to play our part in the renewal of the world.

We invite you to use these glorious mysteries to reflect and pray on your own or in your parish or community.

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Glorious mysteries of the rosary for a world renewed

The Glorious mysteries

The Resurrection

The Resurrection

We pray for the strength to live each day in the power and hope of the resurrection.

The Ascension

The Ascension

We place our trust in Jesus’ presence with us and seek to carry our his work of healing and love.