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Lent calendar 8 March

In Guatemala, Zoila is passionate about helping women in her community protect themselves against violence.

Which is the greatest of all the commandments?

Mark 12:28

Jesus tells us that the first commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. The next is to love our neighbour as ourselves.

Lent is a time for us to reset and reprioritise these two commandments in our lives. As we make space each day to reflect on God’s word, and to listen more attentively to what is being asked of us, we may also become more aware of others around us.

Loving God is not something that we keep just to ourselves, but is shown each day in all that we do and in how we treat others.

On this International Women’s Day, we think especially of all those women across the world who do just this. Guided by their love of God and love for their neighbour, they are building communities and creating change, so that our world better reflects the Kingdom of God.

Women like Zoila in Guatemala, who is working with other indigenous leaders to challenge the violence that many women in her community face. She is determined to see women and girls in her community live with dignity and hope.

“I have been supporting women who face violence from their husbands. I tell them I know what it’s like, as I’ve also suffered from violence. Through dialogue we have united families and saved many homes.

“What we are fighting for are equal rights for young girls, boys and all adults. We need to respect and value one another.”


Gracious God, we pray for women throughout the world who are building up their own communities. As we love you, may we love our neighbour, and support one another to reflect your kingdom here on earth. Amen.


Read more about CAFOD’s work on International Women’s Day.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day

Wednesday 8 March is International Women's Day, a day to celebrate women's achievements and to call for equal rights for women and men.