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Lent calendar 31 March

Sunrise over a field.

Till this moment they had failed to understand the teaching of the scripture, that he must rise from the dead.

John 20:9

Today the long wait is over. We have reached the culmination of our Lenten journey. Christ is risen from the dead. Alleluia!

On this day when “we rejoice and are glad”, we give thanks for all that the Lord has done for us. The disciples didn’t know what they were walking into on that first Easter morning. But we have been looking forward to this for the last six weeks. He is God’s Son, who died for us, and rose again, to renew the face of the earth.

As we celebrate today, we reflect on the hope that the resurrection brings. Death is defeated. Despair is banished. The resurrection brings us hope of a world transformed.

Let us look for the signs of this hope in our world. They can be seen in the commitment of people who continue to work to improve their own communities each day. In the fishing project in Liberia, we have been learning about. In the care that so many show for our common home the earth. In the courage of those who continue to seek peace, and in the generosity of all those who give their time, money, voice or prayers to support the work of CAFOD.

Strengthened by these signs of hope, let us continue to be guided by those who are poorest and most vulnerable. Let us recommit ourselves to playing our part in bringing about a world where all people may flourish.


Risen Christ, we give you thanks for the new life and hope that you bring. Empower us as we seek to share this hope with others and to transform our world with hearts full of love and joy. Amen.


Celebrate the joy of the Resurrection today and find inspiration with our beautiful Easter prayers.

Easter prayers

Easter prayers

Use our Easter prayers and give thanks and praise to Christ who is risen.