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Lent calendar 29 March

Cross on a hill at daybreak

On him lies a punishment that brings us peace, and through his wounds we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

Today we face Christ’s suffering on the cross. We are confronted with the indignity and the pain of what he is enduring and we cannot turn away.

Last October, Cardinal Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, shared a powerful message with the world a little over two weeks into the escalation of violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.

“[Jesus] does not say that he shall win, but that he has already won… It was on the cross that Jesus won: not with weapons, not with political power, not by great means, nor by imposing himself. The peace he speaks of has nothing to do with victory over others. He won the world by loving it. It is true that a new reality and a new order begin on the cross. The order and the reality of the one who gives his life out of love… To us, God’s answer to the question of why the righteous suffer, is not an explanation, but a Presence. It is Christ on the cross.”

Before writing this message, the Cardinal had declared himself ready to be offered in exchange for hostages being held by Hamas.

We know that Christ’s sacrifice was not made in vain. Even as we see the brokenness of humanity, we know that Christ’s victory is won. Let us bring all our suffering to the cross, to this place of redemption. And let us hold in our prayers all those who are working for peace in situations of conflict.


Redeeming God, as we witness to your love for us all, poured out on the cross, inspire us to work for peace and healing, knowing that you are always alongside us. Amen.


Pray with us our Good Friday prayer

Walk with us

Walk with us

We pray that Christ may walk with us and show us how to walk with others who live in fear or face death.