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Lent calendar- 26 February

Comfort is a fishmonger in Liberia. She does what she can to help her neighbours.

Give, and there will be gifts for you: a full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap.

Luke 6:38

Our challenge today is to try to live our lives as God wishes. To be compassionate as God is compassionate, to pardon one another and not to judge. Finally, to be generous.

God gives us everything. God gives us life, God created the earth on which we live, all the beauty that we see. Most of all, God gave us his Son, to lead us to him and to bring us new life.

How can we try to imitate this astonishing generosity in our own lives?

Comfort, who sells the fish that her husband Lewis catches, as well as braiding people’s hair for money, remembers the support from Lewis’ aunt when they were just starting out.

“Even though she struggled, she tried to help us. She voluntarily gave us money every day without us asking. She saw it as her responsibility. She saw we needed help and she acted.”

This has made a huge impression on Comfort.

“I remember this now and I help her and my neighbours because of her kindness… It’s really important to share because there is sorrow in my heart if I see another person struggling and I don’t help. I can’t tell the future, so if I help someone now, if the person gets better, they will help someone else.”

This Lent let us all consider what we can give to others – whether that is a smile, our time, a financial gift or some other practical help.

Lent prayer

Generous God, we thank you for the gifts you have given us. Inspire us to use these gifts for the good of all people and to care for the earth, our common home. Amen.


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