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Lent calendar 24 March

In Guatemala, Angela and Yamanik broadcast radio programmes in indigenous languages on environmental, educational, human rights and health issues

Truly, I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.

Luke 4:24

Today Jesus tells the people in the synagogue in Nazareth that a prophet is never welcomed at home. Infuriated, the crowd forces Jesus out of the village, even attempting to throw him off a cliff.

This hostile reception marks the start of his public ministry. It is a stark reminder that speaking the truth and challenging others is not always easy and can have dangerous consequences.

This was the tragic reality for Saint Oscar Romero, the Archbishop of San Salvador, who was murdered on this day in 1980 while saying Mass.

Romero refused to stay quiet in the face of inequality, injustice and extreme violence in his country. He was a brave defender of the poorest people, continuing to speak out even when faced with death threats, and encouraging others to do the same:

“Each one of you has to be God’s microphone. Each one of you has to be a messenger, a prophet... Let us not hide the talent that God gave us on the day of our baptism and let us truly live the beauty and responsibility of being a prophetic people.”

Inspired by the example of the great Salvadoran martyr, may we be encouraged to raise our voices courageously to stand up for what is right, even when we meet with resistance and hostility.


God of justice, give me the courage to stand up for what I believe. May I speak your truth, and amplify the voices of the vulnerable and oppressed. Amen.

Saint Oscar Romero, pray for us.


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