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22 March

Augustine’s boat capsized while he was out at sea.

The waves of death rose about me; the torrents of destruction assailed me.

Psalm 17:4

One day Augustine went out to fish in his canoe in Liberia as usual. But while he was out at sea, his boat capsized.

“I spent over two hours on the top of the water trying to stay alive. I didn’t have a lifejacket to help me… It was the most difficult time I’ve ever experienced in my life. My canoe split on a rock. It was completely broken. That was very difficult. I nearly died.”

Fellow fishermen came to Augustine’s rescue and managed to drag him and his canoe round the coast to safety. But because he had spent so long in the water, he was very unwell for five months afterwards.

This was a very tough time for Augustine and his family as they struggled to make ends meet. But he eventually recovered and was able to go back out to sea again, even though he is sometimes fearful, especially in stormy weather.

Just like in today’s psalm though, Augustine calls out to God when he is out on the water and feels afraid.

“I have a special prayer. Psalm 140. I pray that every day… I like this one because it gives me strength at sea. Any time I have accidents on the water, I use this chapter to give me strength and dangers can’t attack me.”


Loving God, your Son, Jesus, calmed the storm that frightened the disciples. Keep us safe too, even when we are afraid. Amen.


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