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Lent calendar 21 March

Iolany works for Radio Progreso, speaking out on issues that affect indigenous communities in Honduras.

At this they picked up stones to throw at him; but Jesus hid himself and left the Temple.

John 8:59

Jesus tells the people the truth. He knows God. He existed before Abraham. Anyone who listens and believes in him will not die.

But the people are outraged. They cannot believe these words, which to them must have been shocking and upended all that they believed. Angrily, they throw stones and chase him away.

It takes great courage to speak the truth when all around there is fear and hatred. But this is what so many of the people supported by CAFOD do.

Iolany lives in Honduras and works for Radio Progreso, a radio station run by a local organisation that CAFOD supports.

During the last decade there has been a significant increase in the number of human rights defenders who have been killed or imprisoned in Honduras for speaking out to protect their rights and the environment. Radio Progreso supports brave activists who are at such risk across the country.

As Iolany explains: “Radio Progreso has made it possible for indigenous communities to raise awareness of the problems they are facing in their regions, especially those linked to the extractive industry, forced evictions – and even murder.

“Through this radio, communities are able to share their struggles, their joys and their hopes for changing their situations.”


God of courage, open our ears to listen to those who risk their lives to speak the truth. Strengthen us to raise our voices in support of those who too often go unheard. Amen.


This coming Sunday is the anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Oscar Romero, who was killed for speaking out for the rights of poor communities in El Salvador. Use our resources to celebrate the life of Romero.

St Oscar Romero

St Oscar Romero

Reflect on the life and words of Saint Oscar Romero with our resources.