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Lent calendar 2 March

A father and child, living in an eco-village in Bangladesh.

So he left the place and went back to his father.

Luke 15:20

The story of the Prodigal Son is well known. The younger son takes off with his share of the father’s estate, squanders it all and then falls on hard times.

But he returns, seeks his father’s forgiveness and is welcomed with open arms.

This is a brave decision. It is not easy to admit our faults, to recognise when we have done wrong or to seek forgiveness from those we have injured. We may not always receive the joyous welcome from the people we have hurt that the younger son receives in this parable.

But if we truly repent, God will always welcome us back with open arms. As it says in today’s psalm:

“For as the heavens are high above the earth
so strong is his love for those who fear him.”

This Lent, let’s not be like the elder brother – glorying in our own righteousness, resentful of others – but seek to be compassionate towards those who have hurt us.

Let us be brave and turn back to God. Let’s take stock of our faults and seek God’s forgiveness for them. Let’s open our hearts to God’s mercy and give thanks for God’s forgiving love as we strive to treat others with compassion in our turn.


Compassionate God, forgive us for all that we have done wrong and lead us back to you. As we seek your face, guide us to turn outwards to treat others with the same compassion and love that you share with us. Amen.


Make space to reflect on where things have gone wrong and commit to acting differently this Lent.

A special Lenten fast

A special Lenten fast

A prayer from Latin America for use in Lent to reflect on what we can give up at this time.