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Lent calendar 11 March

Meera with her daughter outside their newly rebuilt home.

'Go home,' said Jesus, 'your son will live.' The man believed what Jesus had said and started on his way.

John 4:50

Today’s gospel tells of a court official whose son is dangerously ill. Despite his influential position, the man cannot find a cure for his son.

He does the only thing he can. He sets out to find Jesus and ask his help. Recognising the official’s faith and love, Jesus declares that the boy will survive. As he sets off home again, the man cannot know whether Jesus’ words have made any difference, but his faith is rewarded.

We all have times when we reach the limits of what we can do by ourselves. Last Harvest, we heard Meera from Pakistan share her story about the impact of severe flooding.

Meera gave birth just as her home was destroyed by floods. The family moved into a temporary shelter at the roadside, but soon became ill as there was little food and only contaminated water to drink.

Dr Nasha and her team run a mobile clinic. They travelled hundreds of miles to treat people in the aftermath of the floods. Meera hurried to bring her children to the clinic for the life-saving medicines and treatment they needed.

Meera’s baby has grown into a healthy toddler. Together, she and her husband have rebuilt their home and are working to recover what they lost in the floods.

Let us take heart from today’s readings that when things are difficult, help will be at hand. God will hear our cries for help. Others will be there to support us.

And let us support others through their hard times in turn, showing God’s love and care for those who need a helping hand.


God of healing, be with us when we do not know where else to turn. Lift our spirits, ease our pain, and restore us to new life in you. Amen.


Let us pray for God’s healing grace in our lives.

Break down the barriers

Break down the barriers

A prayer asking God to fill us with his healing grace so we can break down barriers separating people.