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If you are the executor of a will in which CAFOD has been mentioned, you may find this information helpful when dealing with the estate.

What to do if CAFOD has been left a legacy gift

Being an executor isn’t easy, but please rest assured that your hard work and help are truly appreciated. 

Our legacy team is experienced in estate administration where a charity is named as a beneficiary, so whilst we’re unable to provide legal advice, we can offer some guidance. Please do get in touch with Niall Burroughs, our Legacy Administrator, on 020 7095 5352, or use the form below.

You may also find our guide for executors helpful:

CAFOD's guide for executors

Has CAFOD been left a cash gift?

If the gift is a fixed sum of money (also known as a pecuniary legacy gift), the process is quite simple. All you need to do is send a cheque for the correct amount payable to CAFOD, with a covering letter including the deceased’s name, address and any other information that you may consider helpful, addressed to Niall Burroughs, CAFOD's Legacy Administrator.

Has CAFOD been left a share of the estate?

When you’re ready to apply for probate - or earlier, if possible - we would appreciate if you could send a copy of the will and a list of the estate’s assets and liabilities. Because of our charitable status, some assets may need to be treated in a particular way because of tax, and the sooner we can advise you of this, the better.

So that we can meet our legal and auditing responsibilities, we also request:

  • a copy of the will

  • a list of the assets and liabilities of the estate

  • estate accounts

  • a tax deduction certificate (form R185)

Once you are ready to distribute the estate, you can send a cheque payable to CAFOD to: CAFOD, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7JB. Please mark the letter for the attention of Niall Burroughs, CAFOD Legacy Administration Officer.

If you would prefer to transfer the money by BACS, please call Niall on 020 7095 5352 for more information or contact him using the form below.

How will my loved one’s gift be honoured?

The names of those whose legacy has been received that year are included in our Books of Remembrance, which are blessed at our diocesan memorial Masses throughout November.

Book of Remembrance

Book of Remembrance

We remember supporters, family and friends in our Book of Remembrance. The book is published each October for our November Memorial Mass - find out how to add your loved one's name.

November Memorial Mass

November Memorial Mass

CAFOD holds a special Memorial Mass on All Souls Day to pray for our supporters and loved ones who have died.