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Middle East - Lebanon - Beirut explosions

Hospitals and doctors were already reporting shortages of vital medical supplies and PPE before the explosion. They are now under even greater strain. Photo credit: Caritas Lebanon

Although CAFOD's Beirut Emergency Appeal is now closed, we continue to respond to similar emergencies around the world.

The explosions in Beirut in 2020 left hundreds of families with nothing. 

Local organisations and volunteers were responding on the frontlines, assisting in hospitals and helping the injured.

What were the most urgent needs in Beirut?

This disaster came on top of the coronavirus pandemic and an economic crisis. It threatened to push many who were already suffering further into poverty and hunger.

Over 6,500 people were injured in the explosions and approximately 100,000 children saw their homes either completely or partially destroyed. The loss of homes often results in overcrowded households and communities, thus raising other risks such as Covid-19 transmission.

How did CAFOD respond to the Beirut explosions?

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the local experts you support have been providing food, shelter, water and medical supplies to thousands of refugees in Lebanon and their host communities.

These outreach workers and volunteers were already on the ground in Beirut and provided practical help in some of the worst-hit areas.

With your help, we were able to reach families affected by the explosion with:

  • medical kits

  • emergency food

  • hygiene packs

  • help to find shelter.


Support our Emergency Response Team

The Emergency Response Team is funded by our loyal regular donors who have chosen to specifically support our emergencies work.

Many humanitarian situations can escalate quickly so having regular donations that we can depend on gives us the flexibility and agility we need to respond and react to emergencies whenever they strike.

You can also now sign up to receive prayer texts for when there is an emergency.