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Run a 5k, 10k, a half or a full marathon for CAFOD. You could take on a bigger challenge over the whole summer or share the distance with your friends and family.

See our running pages

Molly Running the Virtual Marathon

Molly running for CAFOD

Whatever you do, have FUN, get active and raise money for CAFOD

How can I get involved?

  1. Take on a run or runs for CAFOD!

  2. Set up your JustGiving page and start collecting sponsors. Share your fundraising page on social media, email and with your parish.

  3. Hold your Summer of Hope fundraiser with your family, school community or parish.

  4. Tag any photos with @cafod and #summerofhope on social media. If you have any questions or comments, or want to send us any photos, please email

  5. Your donations will come to us automatically through JustGiving, or you can pay in the money you raise via our website. You can also download a sponsorship form.

Summer of Hope

Summer of Hope

Get active this summer and take on a fundraising challenge for CAFOD!