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All the resources, promotional materials and information you need for your school's participation in CAFOD's Big Lent Walk.

Sign up by creating a JustGiving page to receive your Big Lent Walk event pack!

(You don't have to use your JustGiving page to fundraise, but using it is so easy! Some schools used it last year alongside ParentPay or cash collections and found it boosted their fundraising!)

Using JustGiving is so easy!

  • There’s no school admin to do if you use JustGiving to fundraise.

  • JustGiving is perfect if you’re a cashless school.

  • Schools who used JustGiving to fundraise in 2023 raised more money!

Big Lent Walk resources

Lent national assembly

Lent national assembly

Watch our national assembly, broadcast from St Mary's Catholic Primary School in Bridgend!

Information for parents

Information for parents

Use our template newsletters, tweets and letters to invite parents to join the Big Lent Walk.

Lent liturgical resources

Primary Lent resources

Primary Lent resources

Join our national assembly, download our Lent calendar and watch our film about Aaron in Liberia.