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Header - Sustainable Development Goals

CAFOD's policy and research papers on the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals, poverty, inequality, environmental sustainability and Laudato Si'.

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

In 2015 global leaders agreed a new set of Sustainable Development Goals to eradicate extreme poverty, tackle inequality and put us all on a more sustainable pathway by 2030. The SDGs replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). CAFOD has been advocating for new global development goals since 2011 when 104 of our partners told us that the goals are important to the work they do with communities around the world.

What does CAFOD think about the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals? 

The SDGs are a step forwards as they better reflect national contexts, include issues like energy and climate change which were previously excluded, and were created through a more open and inclusive process that responded to the priorities of people with direct experience of poverty.

CAFOD was one of the founding organisations of the global civil society campaign, Beyond 2015 and we have contributed to many of their policy positions. CAFOD is also member of Together 2030, the new global coalition following Beyond 2030.

Key documents

Bringing Agenda 2030 to Life

Bringing Agenda 2030 to Life

A research project that aims to help civil society organisations engage effectively with policy makers at sub-national, national and global level in the implementation of Agenda 2030.

100 Voices: Southern perspectives on what should come after the MDGs

100 Voices: Southern perspectives on what should come after the MDGs

This research from 2011 with 104 of our partners in developing countries shows global development goals are important for the work that they do with poor and marginalized communities around the world, but there need to be some important changes in what the goals cover and how they are created. 

Policy and research

Policy and research

CAFOD's policy team provides briefings, reports and research on our advocacy and lobbying work, plus materials to support our campaigns.