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In this position paper, CAFOD outlines five key areas in which governments need to deliver at the upcoming COP in Dubai. This event is a huge opportunity for the UK Government to up its ambition, and do right by the communities suffering devastating climate impacts.

What’s at stake at COP28

Whether it’s the rising cost of living, war in Ukraine, humanitarian crises in South Sudan and the Horn of Africa, or most recently the conflict in Gaza, the world feels like an increasingly fragile place. Climate change is intensifying these crises – injuring, displacing, and ending the lives of already vulnerable people across the globe.

Action from governments around the world has so far failed to match the sheer scale of the damage climate change is inflicting. Pledges on finance have been broken, ‘loss and damage’ funding from wealthy to developing countries is insufficient, the transition to renewable energy has been too slow and plagued by human rights abuses, the Global Stocktake process is predicted to fall short of the huge emissions reductions ambition we need, and the global food system is set up in the interests of big business opposed to those of poorer, small-scale farmers.

Five priority areas for delivery at COP28

1. Unlock innovative new sources of climate finance

Developed countries must fully meet their existing pledge to give $100bn in climate finance, and unlock new finance through debt relief, Special Drawing Rights, taxes, and multilateral development bank (MDB) reform.

2. Coordinate finance for loss and damage

Countries must design and operationalise sufficient funding arrangements for the new Loss and Damage Fund.

3. Lower emissions through the Global Stocktake

Countries must present political and reporting milestones that enable updated and enhanced targets on climate change mitigation.

4. Accelerate a green energy transition

Countries must rapidly phase out overseas fossil fuels funding, while financing and scaling up renewable energy-powered development in the Global South.

5. Fix the food system

Countries must agree a clear mandate within the UNFCCC to reform food systems as part of climate action. This must include financial and policy support in the Global South.

For further information, download the full position statement below, or email Liz Cronin (Policy Lead – Climate Change) at

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COP28 ends with agreement to 'transition away from fossil fuels'

The UN COP28 climate summit has ended with nearly 200 governments agreeing a call for the world to “transition away from fossil fuels”.

The agreement marks the first time all governments have formally acknowledged the world must move away from fossil fuels.

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