Empty livestock pen in Kenya - the animals died in the drought
“When they had mocked him, they stripped him of the robe and put his own clothes on him and led him away to crucify him.”
We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you,
because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
The guards dress Jesus up as a king, with a crown made of thorns, and mock him. They give him a heavy wooden cross to carry. Jesus knows that the way will not be easy and that it will lead to his death. And yet he shoulders his burden and starts on his way.
The burden of hunger is one that too many people must bear. Before Lokho’s community were given tools and seeds to plant their own kitchen garden, and shade nets to protect their crops from the harsh sun, it was difficult for them to get enough to eat and feed their families, because the animals that they relied on had died during the drought.
As Lokho explains: “The drought contributed to loss of life, especially for the livestock. People starved because they could not get food. You might sometimes have food in the house, but then there is a serious shortage of water in the area.”
We all have burdens to carry. We also place burdens on others. What are the global problems, systems and structures that place burdens on people in our world today? In what ways do I place unnecessary loads on other people?
Jesus, your love led you to take up the cross.
Walk with us.
When we feel afraid, help us to be brave.
Give us the courage to speak out to change our world,
so that all our sisters and brothers
can experience a fair chance.

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