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Christ, Prince of Peace, 
hear our prayer and lament, 
for our suffering sisters and brothers. 
Our hearts are heavy as we witness lives torn apart,  
as we see the faces of frightened children 
and hear the pleas of those without water or food. 

We pray for the dead and the grieving, 
for the injured and the afraid. 
We pray for courage and perseverance, 
for those working for healing and to bring aid. 
We pray for world leaders, 
that they may strive for a just and lasting peace. 

God of new beginnings, 
in your ways are compassion and hope. 
Open our hearts to dialogue and understanding. 
Lead us all to answer your call 
to become peacemakers 
today, and all the days of our life. 


DEC Middle East Humanitarian Appeal

Middle East Humanitarian Appeal

Millions across the Middle East have fled their homes in search of safety. They urgently need shelter, food and basic supplies.

Our partners are helping these families right now as they arrive in safer areas. Your donations will help with:

  • emergency healthcare

  • food packages

  • safe shelter

  • hygiene kits

  • mental health support

  • cash to buy fuel, blankets and other essentials.