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Middle East - Israel - Israeli Arab and Jewish workers march together - International Women’s  Day.

Israeli Arab and Jewish workers march together on Women’s International Day. Their banner says “Women demand fair employment and social justice".

CAFOD is working with Christian, Jewish, Muslim and secular partners in occupied Palestinian territory and Israel to mitigate disruption to Palestinian families’ daily lives in the West Bank, help poor families in Gaza meet basic needs and support Arab Israeli women to secure fair employment.

Israeli-Palestinian Crisis Appeal_FU

Israeli-Palestinian Crisis Appeal

The sudden increase in violence in Israel and occupied Palestine territory including Gaza is having a terrible impact on the people who live there. Families are losing their homes and loved ones, and will need urgent, practical help to recover.

A donation today will help local aid workers to provide emergency support as soon as it is safe to do so.

There are two things that make me continue this work. Firstly it’s the feeling that my work is welcomed by people and is useful to them. The second is working with a committed team who share my responsibility. Through my work I can make change. I feel lucky to have this opportunity.

Issam, Project Coordinator, JLAC.

During his visit to the Holy Land, Pope Francis spoke of the “insecurity, the violation of rights, isolation and the flight of entire communities” and declared that “the time has come to put an end to this situation which has become increasingly unacceptable.” At the same time he strongly condemned violence and terrorism, and called for peaceful coexistence between Jews, Christians and Muslims, and an end to all forms of discrimination based on race or religion.

CAFOD in occupied Palestinian territory and Israel

CAFOD is working with Christian, Jewish, Muslim and secular partners in occupied Palestinian territory and Israel to:

  • mitigate disruption to Palestinian families’ daily lives in the West Bank, especially through legal challenges to house demolition, land confiscation and violent attacks

  • help poor families in Gaza meet basic needs and improve their coping strategies

  • defend the human dignity of migrant workers and asylum seekers

  • support Arab Israeli women to secure fair employment and lift their families out of poverty

  • support young people to develop their talents, engage actively in society, and work confidently and constructively to promote freedom of expression and respectful dialogue

  • stand in solidarity with all Israelis and Palestinians working for peace with justice.

News about our work in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel

CAFOD statement on Israel-Hamas ceasefire

CAFOD statement on Israel-Hamas ceasefire

We welcome the news that a deal has been agreed for a four-day ceasefire allowing for the release of 50 hostages and the delivery of humanitarian assistance.